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来源:博盛达    发布时间:2013-9-12 23:17:24
  居室忌“闹” 老年人爱静,居家最基本的要求是隔音效果好,不受外界影响。装修是人生一件大事,总是担心材质、装修设计、质量问题等难题,但家里有老人如何装修才安全?下面博盛达总是公司吴总讲解如下:
  1、居室忌“闹” 老年人爱静,居家最基本的要求是隔音效果好,不受外界影响。
  2、设计忌“角” 在选择和设计老年房时,尽量为老年人的行走活动减少阻碍。少一些棱棱角角和不必要的突出物,以免碰伤腿脚不便的老人。
  3、摆设忌“多” 房间中过多的摆设,不仅增大清理难度,更重要的是增加不安全因素。此外,老人卧室的家具尽量靠墙,别经常更换位置。
  4、色彩忌“艳” 从科学角度看,居室色彩与光、热的协调搭配,能给老年人增添生活乐趣,有利于消除疲劳。而色彩过于艳丽,会干扰老年人的神经系统,使人感到心烦意乱。
  1、门窗 最好采用推拉式门,装修时,下部轨道嵌入地面,以避免出现高度差,形成障碍;采用平开门的,应注意在把手一侧墙面留出约50厘米的空间;门窗的把手、开关等部件,宜选用受力方便的“棒状”把手,尽量别用“球形”拉手;此外,注意选择隔音和节能效果好的门窗。
  2、地面 老年人往往行动迟缓,患有骨质疏松,跌倒后容易造成骨折,因此,要十分注意地面的防滑措施;室内地面,尽量少出现门槛或有高度差的台阶,应安装软木地板或防滑地砖;对楼梯要及时维护,做好防滑处理;注意门口、卫生间前和室内楼梯的脚垫,最好将脚垫固定在地面或楼梯踏板上,防止出现“卷角”情况。
  3、开关 电器、煤气开关应该设在显眼的位置,控制方便、简单;卫生间的灯光开关最好有夜视功能,或选择带有光控、声控功能的开关。 
  4、卫生间 在淋浴间、浴缸、马桶旁及过道安装扶手,能最大限度地保证老年人的安全;尽量别锁住卫生间的门,以方便救援人员进入;有条件的家庭,可在适当高度安装报警器,使家人能在第一时间发现问题。另外,老人洗浴时,即使有人陪护,也千万不能紧闭浴室门窗,应该留一条“生命缝”,以保持空气流通。
  6、床和沙发 老年人的床铺高低要适当,便于上下;床上用品要求保暖性较好,床单、被罩最好选购全棉材质;老人适合使用稍硬的床垫,或在硬床板上加厚褥子,“弹簧床”等软床垫,对腰肌劳损、骨质增生的患者尤其不利,常使症状加剧。同样,沙发也不宜过于柔软,否则会令老人“深陷其中”,不便挪身。
  There are elderly home decoration design considerations four taboo
  Bedroom bogey "downtown " Older people love quiet , home most basic requirement is sound insulation , free from outside influence . The decoration is a major event in life , always worried materials, decoration design , quality issues and other problems, but the family has the old how fitting it safe ? Here Mr. Wu Bo Shengda company always explain as follows:
  There are elderly home decoration design considerations four taboo
  1 bedroom bogey "downtown " Older people love quiet , home most basic requirement is sound insulation , free from outside influence .
  2, the design bogey "corner " in the selection and design of old house , try walking activities for the elderly to reduce obstacles. Less angular corners and edges unnecessary protrusions, bruised legs and feet in order to avoid inconvenience to the elderly .
  3 , furnishings avoid "many" of the furnishings in the room too much , not only increases the difficulty of cleaning up , but more importantly is to increase insecurity. In addition , the elderly bedroom furniture against the wall as far as possible , do not often change locations.
  4 , color bogey "brilliant" From a scientific perspective, bedroom color and light, heat coordination with , give older people add life fun , help eliminate fatigue. The color is too bright , it will interfere with the nervous system of the elderly , people feel upset.
  Therefore, decoration company in Shenzhen to tell you , the problem for the elderly home decoration , not only to meet the health needs of older people is more important is to adapt to the physical and psychological characteristics, to ensure safety .
  The elderly should pay attention to six home decoration decoration details
  1 , the best windows and doors with push-pull doors, decoration, lower rail embedded in the ground , in order to avoid altitude difference , an obstacle ; using Swing , and should pay attention to the handle side of the wall leaving a space of about 50 cm ; doors and windows handles, switches and other components , should use force convenient " stick " handle , try not to use "ball " handle ; Also, pay attention to selecting a good sound insulation and energy efficiency doors and windows.
  2 , the ground elderly are often slow, suffering from osteoporosis, fracture after a fall is likely to cause , therefore , pay great attention to the anti-slip surface ; interior floors , as little as possible threshold level or height difference , you should install cork flooring or Fanghuadezhuan ; pair of stairs to timely maintenance, anti-slip handle ; note entrance , bathroom and interior stairs before the Ottomans , the best foot to the floor or stair treads , and prevent the emergence of " roll angle" situation .
  3 , electrical switches , gas switches should be located in a conspicuous location , easy to control , simple ; bathroom light switch preferably with night vision function , or select with light control, voice control switch.
  4 , in the shower, toilet , bathtub, toilet installation paraneoplastic aisle armrests ensure maximum safety of the elderly ; Try not to lock the bathroom door , to facilitate rescue personnel to enter ; conditional family , installing alarms in appropriate height device , so that the family can be found in the first issue . In addition , the elderly bath, even if someone accompany , but also do not be closed bathroom doors should remain a "life seam " in order to keep the air circulating .
  5 , the elderly compared to urinate frequently, in order to ensure the safety of older people urinate , decoration, illumination can be installed inside the bedroom long light .
  6 , the elderly beds and a sofa bed to the appropriate height for easy up and down ; requires warm and good bedding , bed sheets, quilt best to buy cotton material ; elderly suitable for use slightly harder mattress or in hard bedplate plus thick mattress, " spring bed " and other soft mattress on muscle strain, osteoarthritis patients are particularly vulnerable, often makes symptoms worse. Similarly, the sofa should not be too soft, otherwise it will make the elderly " get stuck " , inconvenience Nueshen .
  Shenzhen Bo Shengda Decorative Professional undertaking: Shenzhen plant decoration , office decoration , Shenzhen , Shenzhen, decoration , decorative , Shenzhen Bo Shengda is a professional decoration company in Shenzhen , Shenzhen decoration companies, decoration company in Shenzhen Longhua , Shenzhen Longgang decoration company .